
Dreams Fulfilled

Today, as I sit in my living room writing this post, I am struck with the realization that my life is so wonderful! It is so easy for me to get caught up in the everyday details of life and forget about my dreams to be a mother. I forget that those dreams are being fulfilled. 

As I write, there is a pile of blocks on my living room floor. A child with crazy after-nap hair is toddling around yelling ‘Momma! Momma!’ in that innocent little voice. My dishes still need washed and the blog isn’t finished. I am tempted just to push her aside, but that small voice in my head tells me to take a step back and realize what is actually going on. 

Remembering our Dreams

Wow! I’m a mom! I love my little girl so much. I could ask for no better job than to be her mom and to hold her close. I want to remember these sweet moments forever. I don’t want to lose sight of the fact that I love her so much and that this has always been, and still is, my dream: to have toys strewn about the house; to hug and cuddle a little one close; to have that precious sleepy face turned up towards mine and that little voice say ‘Momma’ and try to make me understand that she wants to play with me. Yes, I have lots to do, and yes, I am tired, but what an opportunity I have, just now, to love and nurture another little human being!Today, as I let myself love this little one, as I realize how blessed I truly am, I want to make the most of this thing called motherhood. I want to see my dreams fulfilled in the messy house, the tired days, and the sleepless nights. It will all pass too quickly. 

Are you seeing dreams fulfilled in your life? Are they hidden under messy faces and tired eyes? Take a step back, Momma! See the beauty in life, and remember that they grow so fast! 

What are some of your dreams that you see fulfilled? Do you love being a mommy? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “Dreams Fulfilled”

  1. I relate to this so much!! Thanks for the reminder to slow down and appreciate the fulfillment of my dreams in all their craziness. <3

    1. Thank you for stoping by and reading this post Melissa! I’m so glad it resonated with you. It is something I have to remind myself of almost every day.

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